Our work is based on current management practices as well as their scientific roots. Beyond that, we study and lecture at prestigious universities in Germany and abroad. We are in constant dialogue with international scientists specialized in clinical medicine, health economics and management studies and we regularly exchange experience with leading strategy consultants.
This extensive network as well as our contacts to political decision-makers strengthens our own expertise. This allows us to offer our clients the specialized knowledge required to gain competitive advantage.
Prof. Matthias P. Schönermark M.D., Ph.D., founder and managing partner of SKC, has been active as a scientific program manager for "Zukunftswerkstatt" for more than a decade and is a member of the steering committee since its foundation in 2003.
Since 2019, SKC has been an associated member of the „The German Pharmaceutical Industry Association" (BPI). Our managing director, Prof. Schönermark, has been appointed for the Market Access/G-BA/IQWiG Committee and the Digital Future Committee.
CAPS is a consulting firm based in Malta with a focus on corporate affairs strategies. Both CAPS and SKC co-founded the first trans-European network of health public affairs consulting agencies alongside 6 other partners.
CATO, a strategic consulting and communication management firm with a focus on crisis- and litigation-PR, public affairs, lobbying and marketing has been a valuable network partner for many years.
DeGEval – Evaluation Society (Gesellschaft für Evaluation e.V.) is a co-operation of persons and institutions that are active in the field of evaluation. It focusses on the professionalization of evaluation and the consolidation of different perspectives of evaluation. SKC has been a member since 2016.
The German Market Access Society is a non-profit association for practical experience exchange and theoretical knowledge transfer. SKC is represented by Prof. Schönermark M.D., Ph.D. and Dr. Hantke as active members.
The network Digital Health City Hannover (DHCH) connects the players of Hannover's healthcare industry thereby advancing the healthcare solutions of tomorrow. Prof. Schönermark lectures at the Digital Health Masterclass.
SKC is member of EUCOPE (European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs), Europe's trade body for small and mid-sized innovative companies working in the field of biopharmaceuticals and medical technologies.
Prof. Matthias P. Schönermark M.D., Ph.D., founder and managing partner of SKC, is a member of the international GENiE Group - Global Educators Network for Health Innovation Education.
SKC is a member of „Gesundheitswirtschaft Hannover e.V." whose purpose is to improve the connection between the health and care provision management as well as to drive forward the health support and the support of the health economy in the region of Hannover.
ID2Santé is a regional cluster with the goal to support and promote the healthcare sector in Brittany, a region in Western France. The French group of stakeholders and SKC are network partner.
Incisive Health is a British healthcare policy and communications consultancy. Both Incisive Health and SKC co-founded the first trans-European network of health public affairs consulting agencies alongside 6 other partners.
SKC's managing partners have been active members of the ISPOR (The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research) since 2008. They regularly visit the European conference and present their work in front of a global HEOR audience of over 3000 healthcare stakeholders from all sectors.
SKC supports the pediatric and adolescent hospital AUF DER BULT in Hannover through a pro bono project, especially in the area of the rare disease epidermolysis bullosa. We also provide monetary and in-kind donations.
Marco de Comunicación (MdC) is a Spanish agency with a focus on public & media relations communication, influence marketing as well as production & design. Both Marco and SKC co-founded the first trans-European network of health public affairs consulting agencies alongside 6 other partners.
Prof. Matthias P. Schönermark M.D., Ph.D., founder and managing partner of SKC, has been a professor for management at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) since 2000. He teaches Pharmacoeconomics within the curriculum Clinical Pharmacology and Health Care Management & Leadership for the master program.
Nile is a French consulting agency. Both nile and SKC co-founded the first trans-European network of health public affairs consulting agencies alongside 6 other partners.
NOMOS is a consulting agency based in Italy. Both NOMOS and SKC co-founded the first trans-European network of health public affairs consulting.
Numerus is a highly specialised statistical contract research organisation (CRO) and therefore our partner for conducting statistical analyses based on clinical study data within the framework of the AMNOG process.
Public Health Austria, a Public Relations Project agency based in Vienna, and SKC co-founded the first trans-European network of health consulting.
Prof. Matthias P. Schönermark M.D., Ph.D., founder and managing partner of SKC, joined the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) as a member in 2018. The Society was established in 1805 in London. It is a major provider of postgraduate medical education in the UK and home to one of the largest medical libraries in Europe.
TRAIN is an alliance of university and extramural research institutions in Lower Saxony. Ms. Heike Kielhorn, founder and managing partner of SKC, is a speaker at the TRAIN Academy, which is the education development academy for research & medicine. She regularly holds lectures on healthcare topics.
SKC has been supporting the Museum Wilhem Busch – The German Museum for Caricature and the Art of Drawing since 2019, which is based in Hannover in the heart of an English landscape garden and well worth a visit
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