Legal provisions and market developments are not static, they are dynamic. This can partly have grave effects on processes planned for the long term.
The term VUCA describes the basic underlying conditions as
- Volatility,
- Uncertainty,
- Complexity, and
- Ambiguity.
In order to meet these circumstances head on, we at SKC work agilely: We react reliably and flexibly to VUCA in close cooperation with our clients. More on our agile work style in the publication: "To the Dossier in Six Months - Market Access under Agile Conditions".
At SKC, we see the use of state-of-the-art working methods as a key to success. That is why we rely on a wide range of methods in our projects, among others:
- Design Sprint
- Business Model Canvas, Lean Start Up
- Persona Approach
- Design Thinking
- Kanban
- Digital Innovation Board
- Customer Journey Mapping
Agile market access - The agile AMNOG dossier updated

Our mission
We facilitate that patients with diseases for which no or only limited treatment options are available receive access to effective treatments.

North Star
The North Star takes us through the agile work routine.
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